Thursday, April 18, 2013
Lots and lots of bugs!
We have been so busy learning about insects in our science unit.
We have caterpillars that are forming a chrysalis. In a couple of weeks, we should have some beautiful Painted Lady butterflies:
We have learned all about the life cycle of butterflies (egg-caterpillar-chrysalis-butterfly).
We also have some ladybug larva:
We made a ladybug and wrote about the ladybug life cycle (egg-larva-pupa-adult)
We also had some great earthworms (not an insect). We learned lots of interesting things about earthworms...what they eat, how they help our gardens, and why they come out when it rains.
Something neat I learned is that earthworms can escape from a tupperware container :)
In math, we have been working on subtraction using manipulatives. We have been learning when to use addition, and when to use subtraction.
We have also been working on odd and even numbers.
In writing, we are focusing on adding detail to our writing. We are also working on going back and rereading to make corrections.
We have also been working on determining if what we read is fact or opinion. We wrote facts and opinions about butterflies and sorted them.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday are a closed campus due to STAAR testing.