This week, we began our unit on apples.
In language arts, we read fiction and non-fiction books about apples. Your child should be able to tell you the characters and setting of a fiction book (and use the terms "characters" and "setting" correctly!) They should also be able to tell you how a fiction book differs from a non-fiction one.
We learned one of the characteristics of a non-ficiton book is labeling. Labeling helps a reader understand more about a picture. We labeled our apples:
During writing time, we created a list of foods we like. I was so surprised that foods like "broccoli, asparagus, and green beans" made our list! We then used the list to write independently about what foods we like.
In math, we worked on the concept of counting on. This is counting starting at a number other than one. For example, we made a pile of 15 blocks. Instead of starting at one and counting all the blocks again, we started at 15 and counted on as we added more blocks.
We also worked on counting to 20 by 2's. We love playing a game where we stand in a circle and count :)
In social studies, we learned about Johnny Appleseed. We created a web organizer with all the neat things we learned about him. We then made our own Johnnys and wrote a fact about him.
During Science, we finished our unit on the five senses. This week we learned about the sense of touch. Did you know that your foot has the most nerve endings and the middle of your back has the least?
We then explored the sense of taste by tasting lots of great apple treats. We ranked them on the happy apple/rotten apple scale to show if we liked them or not. I was so impressed with the kids willingness to try new foods. Most of us really love the taste of apples!
Here's a sample of some of the great things we tasted:
*Thursday, October 11 is our field trip to the Main Street Theater to see Duck for President. It should be so much fun! Please send a sack lunch on this day. We will be eating at the school, but we return after our usual lunch period.
*Dads and Donuts is on Friday October 5 on the hardtop area. It starts at 7:10. Yum!
*Monday, October 8 is a school holiday (Columbus Day).
*Please remember to come to your scheduled Fall Conference. I look forward to sharing your child's progress and what we will be working on this year.