In math, we taste tested apples and made a pictograph of our favorite type of apple:
We were all surprised at how great yellow apples taste! The most people in the class liked yellow.
In social studies, we finished our unit on maps. We learned the name of the city, state, country, conitinent, and planet that we live on. We located these places on a map and then created a book of maps.
In science, we learned how to use a balance and compare the mass of an apple to other objects. We also worked with a partner to record observations about our apple.
This week:
*On Thursday, we will be going on our field trip!! Your child will need to bring a lunch from home on this day because we will arrive back at school later than our usual lunch time. It does not need to be in a can put it in their regular lunchbox. If your child has a Wilchester shirt, please have them wear it on Thursday. I am looking forward to a really fun field trip!!!
*Please contact me if you are not sure when your Fall conference time is.
Please let me know if you are not able to attend your conference.